Advantages of living in Andorra
There are many attractions offered by this small country located between the Pyrenees, so living in Andorra has already become the goal of many people. If you want to improve your quality of life, live in one of the safest countries in the world and at the same time enjoy great tax advantages, Andorra is your next destination.
There is no doubt that Andorra has one of the most attractive tax frameworks in the Eurozone.
Move to Andorra
We know all the advantages that Andorra can offer your company or family and how attractive it is to live in this country. However, there are several types of residence permit , all of them different. Depending on your needs, we will study your personal situation in order to offer you the solutions that best suit your interests. Whether as a self-employed person through the constitution of an Andorran company, as an employee or through a passive residence, we will help you so that your transfer to Andorra is optimal.

Invest in Andorra
The legal and tax reform carried out in Andorra, and which has allowed approval at a European level, has been the key to stop considering Andorra as a Tax Haven. This fact has provided Andorra with great attractiveness and an opportunity for foreign investors. The elimination of restrictions and opening to foreign investment to set up companies and acquire any type of asset, together with a favorable tax framework, with Agreements to avoid double taxation, is the reason why residence requests have grown exponentially in recent years. last years. Legislation on taxation has not gone unnoticed as it offers benefits such as a maximum of 10% for personal income tax and IS, tax exemption, no Patrimonial, Inheritance and Gift tax, and 0% taxation of Taxes on profits in the sale of shares and investment funds.
The decision is yours, we help you make it possible.
Investment foreign
Foreign investment is the acquisition of assets located in the Principality by natural persons not resident in Andorra, provided they do not have Andorran nationality, and by legal entities of foreign nationality. Also for Andorran Companies with foreign participation in their capital or in their voting rights, branches or other types of permanent establishments in Andorra of non-residents in a percentage equal to or greater than 50 percent, either directly or indirectly. Likewise, when at least 50% of the voting rights of its decision-making body belong to non-resident individuals or foreign legal entities. The forms of foreign investment can materialize through monetary or non-monetary contributions.
The competent ministry must resolve the foreign investment authorization request within a maximum period of one month.